Reel in a WHALE of a Good Book

January's Bulletin board was decided by my branch manager. This bulletin board design is my recreation of someone else's design. The original image was found on pinterest but the uploading user may not have been the creator of this elaborate board. I did message the person who uploaded the original image on pinterest, in hopes of finding exact templates, but no luck.

This bulletin board was not linked to a blog, therefore, having no actual directions for creation. To date, I feel this is my best work. This board is very detailed with lots of effort into designing and creating the penguins and the whale.

Six of the penguins (including the fishing penguin) were created with this template

The three background penguins used this template.

Penguins were traced onto white construction paper and cut out. The black details were also traced (separately) onto black construction paper, cut out, and glued to the white penguin. 

Baby penguins were traced from a template with details added by free-hand using markers.

The whale's tail and body was a free hand creation as well using the bulletin board image as a reference. The whale body was then glued in stages to the "water" board. Water was created with chip board and duct tape with blue paper glued on top.

Purple mountains designed from this template and snow capped tops created with white poster paint and glitter.

Snowflakes at the top were re-used from last month's bulletin board. 

The fluffy snow at the bottom of the board is 12 cup coffee filters scrunched and stapled to the board. The original image looked like it included aurora borealis colored cellophane for the snow but I wanted to work with what was available to me. 

The ice fishing hole used two pieces of craft foam with the hole (a half circle in each piece) in the middle. Blue paper matching the water/whale board is taped underneath the hole for the illusion of water. A fishing penguin is holding a pole, made of two pieces of pipe cleaner twisted together and bent in a cane shape. Cotton string is attached to the end of the penguin's fishing pole, dropped through the ice fishing hole, and taped to the whale board.

If you have any questions regarding this board or re-create it please let me know! I love seeing other's inspiration!

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